aMSN 0.98.3

aMSN Messenger is a multi protocol, free and open source messaging program. It’s available for a wide range of operating systems. There are more messengers out there than the official ones, try them!

Categorized as Software Tagged

aMSN 0.97.2

There’s a new bugfix release for aMSN 0.97 series : aMSN 0.97.2 ! This version fixes, along with some other bugs, the bug you could have experienced when sending OIMs. OIM meaning Offline Instant Messages, I think. >> aMSN website >> Download aMSN 0.97.2

Categorized as Software Tagged

aMSN Messenger 0.97.1

aMSN Messenger is a multi protocol, free and open source messaging program. It’s available for a wide range of operating systems. There are more messengers out there than the official ones, try them! aMSN is one of the few that has working webcam support. The dev team is already working on aMSN 2, with a… Continue reading aMSN Messenger 0.97.1