There are no drugs in my body, but this is just a very good, catchy song. Been listening to it like five times in a row now.
Firefox 4.0
It’s been long overdue, but it’s available now: the final version of Firefox 4 ! Based on the Gecko 2.0 engine, Firefox 4 sports an all new user interface, new ways to organize tabs, a revamped add-on manager, support for HTML5 video standards, multitouch support on Windows 7 and a range of performance and security… Continue reading Firefox 4.0
openSUSE 11.4
“We are proud to announce the launch of 11.4 in the openSUSE tradition of delivering the latest technology while maintaining stability. The 11.4 release brings significant improvements along with the latest in free software applications. Combined with the appearance of new tools, projects and services around the release, 11.4 marks a showcase of growth and… Continue reading openSUSE 11.4
Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal alpha 3
Welcome to Natty Narwhal Alpha 3, which will in time become Ubuntu 11.04. Alpha 3 is the third in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Natty development cycle. I’ve tried Kubuntu 11.04 Alpha 2, and I was impressed. The KDE version was much snappier than Linux Mint’s latest KDE… Continue reading Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal alpha 3
Emmanuel Top – Addiction
Emmanuel Top :ADDICTION by Planete Rouge Rec Second track from the new Emmanuel Top EP on Terrence Fixmer’s Planete Rouge label. The first of many to come I hope.
Emmanuel Top – Revival
Emmanuel Top :REVIVAL by Planete Rouge Rec Emmanuel Top is back after almost ten years of silence! It’s not the easiest tracks to get into, but listen to it in one go, at high volume on quality speakers … and you’ll see 🙂 Absolutely wonderful.
Aphex Twin – Xtal
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85 – 92.
Bradley Strider – Bradley’s Beat
Aphex Twin in 1991.
The Tuss – Rushup I Bank 12
Is it really Aphex Twin? I believe it is. He’s been using different names and aliases for over 20 years now, and has never been really open about it.