GParted-livecd has been released to gparted-livecd-0.3.4-3. The most important change is that the media now boots off the powerful GRUB boot loader ! Some new boot options have been set. “Logout” is now available from shutdown-menu, to kill X, if needed. Media boots with No Frame Buffer by default, but option is still available. Changes:… Continue reading Gnome Partition Editor Live CD 0.3.4-3
Author: gilles
Miranda IM 0.6.8
Miranda IM is a smaller, faster, easier instant messenger with support for multiple protocols. Miranda IM is designed to be resource efficient and easy to use while still providing many features including support for AIM, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, MSN, Yahoo, and more. Supplemented by hundreds of plugins and other content, Miranda IM is very flexible… Continue reading Miranda IM 0.6.8
FrostWire is a free Gnutella client based on LimeWire distributed under terms of the GPL. It was created in September 2005 after LimeWire LLC received a cease and desist letter from the RIAA, threatening to sue them for millions of dollars unless they stop their users from offering copyrighted songs. Unwilling to take the matter… Continue reading FrostWire
I’ve been playing around with Kubuntu for the past few days. Kubuntu is a Ubuntu derived Linux distribution, based on KDE. I installed the Herd 4 test release at first, but kept getting debconfig errors during apt-get updates. So I went for the stable 6.10 Edgy Eft release. It’s been a while since I’ve used… Continue reading Kubuntu
Paint.NET 3.01
Paint.NET is a photo and image editing tool designed for computers running Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000. It serves the digital imaging community as a free alternative to the standard paint application included with Windows. It brings powerful features to the desktop, a myriad of special effects, plug-in extensibility, and layer manipulation. It enhances… Continue reading Paint.NET 3.01
BitTorrent 5.0.6
BitTorrent is a protocol for distributing files. It identifies content by URL and is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Web. Its advantage over plain HTTP is that when multiple downloads of the same file happen concurrently, the downloaders upload to each other, making it possible for the file source to support very large numbers… Continue reading BitTorrent 5.0.6
Windows Desktop Search 3.01
Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.01 is a minor update to Windows Desktop Search 3.0 that adds: support for indexing UNC files, additional support for enterprise deployment, and stability improvements. WDS 3.01 installs on Windows XP and Window Server 2003, but is not needed for Windows Vista since the WDS component is already included in Vista.… Continue reading Windows Desktop Search 3.01
Mozilla Firefox
The best browser in the browsing game. Free and open source. If you’re interested to see what’s new, plow through the changelog at the mozillaZine forum. Mostly bugfixes and memory leaks if you ask me. >> Download Mozilla Firefox >> Mozilla Firefox website
AutoPatcher February 2007
AutoPatcher is a comprehensive collection of patches, addons and registry tweaks that give you peace of mind in the knowledge that your Windows system is up to date, even before you connect it to the Internet. It’s designed to quickly patch a system with the most current updates and tweaks available, and requires no user… Continue reading AutoPatcher February 2007
Site news
I got tired of the previous layout, so here’s a new one! The theme is called Tranquility, and should stay on here for a while. In other news, comments are enabled again! Not that I expect to get much replies from anyone … It would be nice though 🙂 I installed the Akismet anti-spam plugin… Continue reading Site news