K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools. Codec is short for Compressor-Decompressor. Codecs are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video. It is designed as a user-friendly soluction for playing all your video files. You should be able to play all the popular movie formats and even some rare formats.
Updated ffdshow to revision 696
Replaced Xvid v1.2.0-dev with v1.1.2
Updated x264 VFW to revision 600
Removed DivX VFW codec
Removed 3ivX AAC
Removed Ligos MPEG audio decoder
Removed InterVideo MPEG decoder
Removed InterVideo audio decoder
Added Gabest and Haali AVI splitters. The default Microsoft splitter is still the recommended one. The other two are better able to handle incomplete/truncated files
Updated GSpot Codec Information Appliance to version 2.60 rc1
Removed Sherlock
Fixed an error that showed at the end of the install/uninstall on Windows Vista
Minor changes