The free program from Adobe to read, print and search .pdf files has got a new update.
New Features:
* Yahoo Contextual Searching (part of Y!Q)
* If you select text, either a single word or phrase within a PDF, and right click with the mouse, then you are presented with menu item that allows you to use the Yahoo Contextual (Y!Q) Search Engine. For longer phrases especially, this returns better results than with a regular search. For more information on how Y!Q works, please vis it the Yahoo website.
* Preserving User Preferences when Upgrading (Windows only)
* When upgrading to Adobe Reader 7.0.8, the previous user preferences from Adobe Reader 7.0.7 will be preserved. Please note that the “Display PDF in browser” preference is not saved. Also note, preserving user preferences does not work with Windows NT .Important bug fixes:
* Forms: Opening and closing certain forms can lead to a memory leak
* Fixes to address various Reader crashes.
* Security: several security bug fixes have been made, including one considered critical. For more information about the Adobe Severity Rating System, see the Adobe website.
>> Download Adobe Reader 7.0.8 (DUTCH, Windows)
>> Download Adobe Reader 7.0.8 (ENGLISH, Windows)