Soulseek 157 NS 13e

Soulseek is a unique ad-free, spyware free, and just plain free file sharing application. One of the things that makes Soulseek unique is the community-related features. Based on peer-to-peer technology, virtual rooms allow you to meet people with the same interests, share information, and chat freely using real-time messages in public or private. Soulseek, with its built-in people matching system, is a great way to make new friends and expand your mind!

NS 13e
Search engine exploit patched. Exploit could be used by a modified client to crash another client remotely, and possibly execute custom code by creating a stack overflow. Thanks to Laurent Gaffié ( for discovering the exploit and sending us exact instructions on how to reproduce it!
NS 13d
most resize settings are now saved.
individual color and font styles can now be applied per chatroom.
private messaging options can now be used to block private messages from anyone or users not on the buddy list, with the option of having the client prompt you for each messaging user. blocked messages are dumped to the blocked messages window in the private messaging options dialog.
pause/resume button added to the distributed searches window.
executable is compiled with latest version of STLPort (5.2.1). hopefully this won’t cause too many problems!

>> Soulseek website
>> Download Soulseek 157 NS 13e

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