Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to:
* Record live audio.
* Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs.
* Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files.
* Cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together.
* Change the speed or pitch of a recording.
* And more! See the complete list of features.
Opening/saving formats:
* Import of audio from QuickTime (mov, aac, m4a) files is now supported on OSX
* Metadata may be added to OGG files
* Improved export option selection
* Importing of Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) wave files now tolerated
* Additional export options added to MP3 and FLAC file formats
* Command line exporter now supported on Windows and OSXEffects:
* EQ effect responsiveness improved
* Several enhancements to the EQ Effect
* Batch support added for the EQ effect
* New Auto Duck effect
* Added previewing to AudioUnit effects
* Much improved Noise Removal effect
* Effects previewing may now be canceled
* New DTMF Tone Generator effect
* Additional options available in Noise effect
* Improved the Tone Generation effectsOther features:
* New built-in screen capture utility
* Major speed improvement in Spectrogram rendering
* Increased support for drag and drop on OSX
* Support added for building against wxWidgets 2.8
* Support opening multiple Audacity Projects at once from Explorer on Windows
* Improved main window sliders
* New support for snapping while selecting and sliding
* Improved track focus handling and visual feedback
* Speed improvements and handling of resizing/zooming in tracks
* Spectrum view may now be zoomed
* New internal file cache to improve handling of project files over networksAlso:
* Many improvements to language specific translations
* Numerous stability improvements